Course Objective: To equip the engineers for operating power systems more effectively and reliably utilizing the resources in an optimal manner
Concept of reliability, non-repairable components, hazard models, components with preventive maintenance, ideal repair and preventive maintenance, repairable components, normal repair and preventive maintenance.
System reliability, monotonic structures, reliability of series-parallel structures, the ‘r’ out of ‘n’ configuration, the decomposition methods, minimal tie and cut method, state space method of system representation, system of two independent components, two components with dependent failures, combining states, non-exponential repair times failure effects analysis, State enumeration method, application to non-repairable systems.
Other methods of system reliability, fault free analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, planning for reliability, outage definitions, construction of reliability models.
Generating capacity reserve evaluation, the generation model, the probability of capacity deficiency, the frequency and duration method, comparison of the reliability indices, generation expansion planning, uncertainties in generating unit failure rates and in load forecasts. Operating reserve evaluation, state space representation of generating units, rapid start and hot-reserve units, the security function approach.
Interconnected systems, two connected systems with independent loads, two connected system with correlated loads, more than two systems interconnected.
Bulk power system reliability, load flow analysis, DC load flow, the effect of variable system load, weather effects on transmission lines, the two-weather Markov model, common model failures, the evaluation of large system, Monte Carlo simulation.
Area supply system reliability, switching after faults, circuit breaker models, preventive maintenance, algorithms for failure effects analysis.
Distribution system reliability, radial system with perfect switching, radial systems with imperfect switching, a looped system.
- ‘Reliability modeling in electric power systems’
– J. Endrenyi
– John Wiley & Sons
- ‘System reliability modeling and evaluation’
– Singh C. and Billiton R.
– Hutchinston, London , 1977
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