Friday, June 11, 2010


Course Objective: Objective of the course is to introduce computer applications in analysis of power systems

Elementary linear graph theory - Incidence and network matrices.  Development of network matrices from Graph theoretic approach, Building algorithm for Bus impedance matrix, Modification of ZBus matrix due to changes in primitive network.

Power system components and their representation – Synchronous machine, transmission system, three phase power network.

Load Flow Studies: Overview of Gauss, Gauss- Seidel and Newton Raphson Methods, Decoupled Newton Load Flow, Fast Decoupled Load Flow, AC/DC load flow, Three phase Load Flow – Sparsity techniques – Triangular factorization – Optimal ordering – Optimal load flow in power Systems.

Incorporation of FACTS devices in Load Flow: Static Tap Changing, Phase Shifting (PS), Static Var Compensator (SVC), Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)

Short Circuit studies – Types of Faults – Short circuit study of a large power system – Algorithm for calculating system conditions after fault – three short circuit, three phase to ground , double line to ground, line to line and single line to ground fault – Short circuit studies using bus admittance matrix.

  1. Computer methods in Power system Analysis
         Stagg and El Abiad
         McGraw Hill, 1968
  1. Computer Aided Power System Analysis
         G L Kusic
         Prentice Hall, 1986
  1. Computer modeling of Electrical Power Systems
         J Arriliga and N R Watson
         Wiley, 2001
  1. Advanced Power Systems analysis and dynamics
         L P Singh
         New Age Intl. Publishers, 1983
  1. Modern Power system Analysis
         I J Nagrath and D P Kothari
         Tata McGraw Hill, 1980

1 comment:

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