Friday, June 11, 2010


Course Objective: To get an overall idea of different types of static relays and its applications, and about the modern techniques used in power system protection

-General introduction to Electromagnetic relays-Thermal relays-Static relays-Microprocessor based relays (Operating principle and type) – A review
Static relays
-merits and demerits-Comparators-Amplitude and Phase Comparators-Duality between Amplitude and phase Comparators
Over current protection
-Time current characteristic-Special characteristic-different types of static over current relays-Static over voltage and under voltage relays-Static directional relays
Distance protection scheme
-standard 3 zone protection-Types of static distance relays-impedance, reactance, Mho, quadrilateral, elliptical-Effect of arc resistance and power surges in the performance of distance relays-Pilot Relaying Scheme-wire pilot protection-carrier current protection
Microprocessor based protective relays
-Over current relay-Impedance relay-Directional relay-reactance relay-Basic protection scheme using microcomputers
Computer application to protected relays
-Digital computer-Digital simulation of power system disturbance-Digital simulation of distance relay during transients-On line and Off line application of digital computers to protection
Reliability and Protection
- Reliability-Redundancy-Continuous supervision and self-diagnosis-Automatic testing-Test methods for static relays-Maintenance and field testing of relays

Text Books:
  1. Power system protection Static relays
         T S Madhava Rao
         T M H, 1991
  1. Power system protection and switchgear
         Badari Ram D N & Viswakarma
         TMH, 1999
  1. The art and science of protective relays
         C R Mason
         Wiley Eastern
  1. Switchgear Protection
         M V Deshpande
         TMH, 1993
  1. Power system protection. Volume- I , II & III edited by the Electricity Council
         Mac Donald

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