Friday, June 11, 2010


Course Objective: This presents a unified macroscopic theory of electromagnetic waves in accordance with the principle of special relativity from the point of view of the form in invariance of Maxwell’s equations and the constitutive relations. The topic includes the fundamental equations and boundary conditions, time harmonic fields, waves through space and media, reflection, transmission, guidance and resonance of electromagnetic waves, antenna theory and the various methods of flux plotting.


Time varying fields and electromagnetic waves - Solution of Maxwell’s equations for charge free unbounded region – Uniform waves – Uniform plane waves – Characteristics – Wave impedance and propagation constant – Wave propagation in good dielectrics, conductors – Depth of penetration – Surface impedance of good conductor to sinusoidal currents – Polarization – Elliptic, Linear and Circular polarization.
Waves at boundary between two media – Wave incident normally on boundary between perfect dielectrics – Wave incident obliquely on boundary between perfect dielectrics – Wave polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence – Parallel polarization – Wave incident normally on perfect conductor – Oblique incidence – Brewster angle, Snell’s law.
Poynting Vector – Poynting Vector for a plane wave in a dielectric – Flow of direct current in cylindrical resistor – Co-axial cables – Instantaneous, Average and Complex poynting vector.
Guided waves – Essential conditions – Transverse electric waves – Transverse magnetic waves – Characteristics – TEM waves – Velocities of Propagation – TEM waves in co-axial cables and two wire transmission line – Attenuation factor for TE, TM and TEM waves.
Propagation characteristics of Radio waves – Electro-magnetic wave spectrum – Transmission path from transmitter to receiver – Ionosphere -  Ionospheric investigation – Virtual height and critical frequency – Maximum usable frequency.
Eddy current problems – Calculation of Eddy current loss – Effect of saturation Flux plotting – Two Dimensional field plotting methods – Method of images – Multiple images – Image of point charge in conducting sphere – Graphical method of field mapping – experimental methods.

Text Books:
  1. Electromagnetic field and waves
         V V Sarwate
         Wiley Eastern, Second Edition
  1. Engineering Electromagnetics
         William H Hayt Jr.
         Tata  McGraw Hill, Fifth Edition
  1. Electromagnetics with applications
         McGraw Hill Inter National, Fifth Edition
  1. Electromagnetic waves and Radiating systems
         E C Jordan
  1. Electromagnetic fields’
         P V Gupta


Course Objective: To give awareness about Embedded systems, microcontroller 8051 and its applications, Linux, Embedded Linux and other digital embedded applications

-Microprocessor basics. Terminology and principles. 8051 Microcontroller Architecture: Function and basic description of 8051components to include Special Function Registers (SFRs). Interfacing and address decoding techniques. Essential hardware for computer control, Interfacing, address decoding, analogue and digital input/output. input/output control A/D and D/A conversion, Interrupts, bus timing, serial and parallel communications. Bus timing, Interrupts Real-time systems.
-Program creation, flow charting. Algorithms for embedded control. Structured programming, Data structures and types, Program classification. Computer control: Components of embedded control systems to include terminology and components. Discrete modelling for computer control. PID control in discrete form. Classification of programs, programs for sequential tasks, multitasking systems, real-time systems. Real World Interfacing – LCD, ADC, Sensors, Stepper motor, keyboard and DAC
-Introduction to Linux operating Systems, Administering LINUX – root login, super user, administrative commands, configuring modules, working with file systems, Setting up and supporting users,  Automating System tasks, Computer security Issues, Setting up a LAN in Linux,
Embedded Linux
-Real Time Operating System, System Architecture, selection of platform, booting linux, debugging. Interfacing- Asynchronous serial communication interfacing, parallel port interfacing, USB interfacing, Memory interfacing, Synchronous serial communication interfacing, System Integration.
Case studies involving digital control in embedded systems. Computer Simulations                       (MATLAB/SIMULINK), Embedded System Coding (The Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder in MATLAB)

Text Books:
  1. C and the 8051: programming for multitasking
         SHULTZ, T. W
         Prentice-Hall, 1993
  1. The 8051 Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems
         Pearson Education Asia
  1. Embedded LINUX
         Pearson Education Asia

  1. The 8051 family of Microcontroller
         BARNETT R H
         Prentice-Hall, 1995
  1. The 8051 Microcontroller: architecture, programming, and applications
         AYALA K J
         West Publishing, 1991
  1. The 8051 Microcontroller: hardware, software and interfacing’
         STEWART J W.
         Regents/Prentice Hall, 1993
  1. Programming and interfacing the 8051 Microcontroller
‘Matlab 6.1 - Reference Manual’


Course Objective: To equip the engineers for operating power systems more effectively and reliably utilizing the resources in an optimal manner

Concept of reliability, non-repairable components, hazard models, components with preventive maintenance, ideal repair and preventive maintenance, repairable components, normal repair and preventive maintenance.

System reliability, monotonic structures, reliability of series-parallel structures, the ‘r’ out of ‘n’ configuration, the decomposition methods, minimal tie and cut method, state space method of system representation, system of two independent components, two components with dependent failures, combining states, non-exponential repair times failure effects analysis, State enumeration method, application to non-repairable systems.

Other methods of system reliability, fault free analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, planning for reliability, outage definitions, construction of reliability models.

Generating capacity reserve evaluation, the generation model, the probability of capacity deficiency, the frequency and duration method, comparison of the reliability indices, generation expansion planning, uncertainties in generating unit failure rates and in load forecasts. Operating reserve evaluation, state space representation of generating units, rapid start and hot-reserve units, the security function approach.

Interconnected systems, two connected systems with independent loads, two connected system with correlated loads, more than two systems interconnected.

Bulk power system reliability, load flow analysis, DC load flow, the effect of variable system load, weather effects on transmission lines, the two-weather Markov model, common model failures, the evaluation of large system, Monte Carlo simulation.

Area supply system reliability, switching after faults, circuit breaker models, preventive maintenance, algorithms for failure effects analysis.

Distribution system reliability, radial system with perfect switching, radial systems with imperfect switching, a looped system.

  1. Reliability modeling in electric power systems
         J. Endrenyi
         John Wiley & Sons
  1. System reliability modeling and evaluation
         Singh C. and Billiton R.
         Hutchinston, London, 1977


Course Objective: This course presents SCADA system, and Measuring Techniques


Signal processing and conditioning, Transducers, Metering technology – An introduction to supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, Reliable operations basic functional requirements.  Networking applied to power systems – Online load flow and security analysis – State estimation techniques, Automatic load frequency control, Modern trends in power system monitoring and control.

Equipment for measuring transients, Magnetic oscilographs, air-cored devices- Current transformer and Linear couplers-Sphere gaps measuring techniques and Surge testing- Differential measurements- Multi channel sequence timer-High frequency measurements, Recurrent surge techniques.

  1. SCADA: Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
         Stwart A Boyer
         ISA Society, 2nd Edition, 1999
  1. Electrical Transients in Power Systems
         Allan Greenwood
         Wiley Interscience, New York


Course Objective: Objective of the course is to introduce various advancements in the distribution systems
Power System: General Concepts – Distribution of power – Management – systems study - Loads and Energy Forecasting: Power loads – Area Preliminary survey load forecasting – Regression analysis – Correlation analysis – Analysis of time series – Factors in power system loading – Technological forecasting – Sources of error

Planning, Design and Operation methodology: System calculations, Network elements – Distribution load flow: Radial systems, distribution systems with loops – fault studies – effect of abnormal loads, Voltage control – line circuits – harmonics- urban distribution – load variations – Ferro resonance – system losses – Energy management

Distribution automation: Distribution automation – Definitions – Project Planning – Communication, Sensors, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Consumer Information systems (CIS), Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

Optimization of distribution systems: Introduction, Costing of Schemes, Typical network configurations – Long and Short term planning, network cost modelling, voltage levels – Synthesis of optimum line networks –Application of linear programming to network synthesis – Optimum Phase sequence – Economic loading of distribution transformers- Worst case loading of distribution transformers - System Reliability: Introduction – Definition – Failure – Probability Concepts – limitation of distribution systems- Power quality variations –Reliability Measurement- Power supply quality survey – Reliability aids - Consumer Services: Supply industry – Natural monopoly – Regulations – Standards – Consumer load requirements – Cost of Supply – load management – theft of power – Energy metering - Tariffs: Costing and Pricing, Classification of Tariffs - Grounding: Grounding system, Earth and Safety Earthing Schemes – Earth Testing

Overhead and Under Ground lines: Choice of system, Optimum design considerations – Design and construction of overhead lines – Underground System – Determination of cable rating – Stress grading – Thermo mechanical effects on cable systems – Causes of failure – Selection of cables – Systems fault location - System Over voltages: Causes – lightning – Protective Devices – Travelling waves – Protection schemes - Rural Supply: Rural system, Reliability – Faults and protection – fault locating – auto reclosers – Determination of rating of Induction motors

Power Capacitors: Reactive power – Series and shunt capacitors – system harmonics – HT shunt capacitor installation requirements – size of capacitors for power factor improvement – LT capacitors – Guide for operation of shunt capacitor

Insulation measurements: Insulation supervision, Insulation measurements: Destructive and Nondestructive tests – Transformer oil testing - System Protection: Time-current Characteristics – Fuses – Circuit Breakers – Additional Protection Equipment – Protective Relaying – Instrument Transformers – Unit Protection - System Maintenance: Successful Maintenance –Failures and Maintenance – Porcelain Insulator –Transformer oil maintenance – Transformer drying – Lighting systems - Electrical Services for Buildings: Standards, Electrical Installations – Consumer Power Supply arrangements- Switch gears – load estimation – Lighting design – Road lighting – Flood lighting – Automatic Fire alarm systems – Electrical Call bell services – Lightning protection

Text Book:
1.     ‘Electrical Power Distribution Systems’
         4th Edn, TMH, 1997
1.     ‘Electrical Power Distribution Engineering’
         Turan Gonen
         McGraw Hill, 1986
2.     ‘Transmission and Distribution Electrical Engineering’
         Colin Bayliss
         Butterworth Heinemann, 1996


Course Objective:  This course presents EHV ac-dc transmission system components, protection and insulation level for over voltages
EHV DC Transmission
-converter circuits-single phase and three phase circuits-analysis of bridge converter-with and without overlap-grid control-features of control-actual control characteristics-constant minimum -ignition angle control-constant current control-extinction angle control-stability of control-harmonics-characteristics of harmonics-means of reducing harmonics-telephone interference-filters-single frequency and double frequency-tuned filters-DC harmonic filters-DC line oscillations and line dampers-over voltage protection-DC lightning arresters-DC circuit breakers -basic concepts types & characteristics-Ground return-current field in the earth near an electrode -buried electrode-two layer earth-three layer earth

EHV AC Transmission
-components of transmission system-voltage gradients of conductor-single and bundled conductor-corona effects-electrostatic field of EHV lines-biological effects-live wire maintenance-insulation coordination-insulation for power frequency-voltage-switching over voltage-lightning performance-calculation of line & ground parameters

  1. Direct Current Transmission Volume - I
         E W Kimbark
         John Wiley – New York
  1. EHV AC Transmission Engineering
         Rakosh Das Begamudre
         New Age International (p) Ltd., 2nd Edition, 1997
  1. HVDC Power Transmission Systems
         K R Padiyar
         Wiley Eastern Ltd.


Course Objective: Objective of the course is to introduce computer applications in analysis of power systems

Elementary linear graph theory - Incidence and network matrices.  Development of network matrices from Graph theoretic approach, Building algorithm for Bus impedance matrix, Modification of ZBus matrix due to changes in primitive network.

Power system components and their representation – Synchronous machine, transmission system, three phase power network.

Load Flow Studies: Overview of Gauss, Gauss- Seidel and Newton Raphson Methods, Decoupled Newton Load Flow, Fast Decoupled Load Flow, AC/DC load flow, Three phase Load Flow – Sparsity techniques – Triangular factorization – Optimal ordering – Optimal load flow in power Systems.

Incorporation of FACTS devices in Load Flow: Static Tap Changing, Phase Shifting (PS), Static Var Compensator (SVC), Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)

Short Circuit studies – Types of Faults – Short circuit study of a large power system – Algorithm for calculating system conditions after fault – three short circuit, three phase to ground , double line to ground, line to line and single line to ground fault – Short circuit studies using bus admittance matrix.

  1. Computer methods in Power system Analysis
         Stagg and El Abiad
         McGraw Hill, 1968
  1. Computer Aided Power System Analysis
         G L Kusic
         Prentice Hall, 1986
  1. Computer modeling of Electrical Power Systems
         J Arriliga and N R Watson
         Wiley, 2001
  1. Advanced Power Systems analysis and dynamics
         L P Singh
         New Age Intl. Publishers, 1983
  1. Modern Power system Analysis
         I J Nagrath and D P Kothari
         Tata McGraw Hill, 1980


Course Objective: To get an overall idea of different types of static relays and its applications, and about the modern techniques used in power system protection

-General introduction to Electromagnetic relays-Thermal relays-Static relays-Microprocessor based relays (Operating principle and type) – A review
Static relays
-merits and demerits-Comparators-Amplitude and Phase Comparators-Duality between Amplitude and phase Comparators
Over current protection
-Time current characteristic-Special characteristic-different types of static over current relays-Static over voltage and under voltage relays-Static directional relays
Distance protection scheme
-standard 3 zone protection-Types of static distance relays-impedance, reactance, Mho, quadrilateral, elliptical-Effect of arc resistance and power surges in the performance of distance relays-Pilot Relaying Scheme-wire pilot protection-carrier current protection
Microprocessor based protective relays
-Over current relay-Impedance relay-Directional relay-reactance relay-Basic protection scheme using microcomputers
Computer application to protected relays
-Digital computer-Digital simulation of power system disturbance-Digital simulation of distance relay during transients-On line and Off line application of digital computers to protection
Reliability and Protection
- Reliability-Redundancy-Continuous supervision and self-diagnosis-Automatic testing-Test methods for static relays-Maintenance and field testing of relays

Text Books:
  1. Power system protection Static relays
         T S Madhava Rao
         T M H, 1991
  1. Power system protection and switchgear
         Badari Ram D N & Viswakarma
         TMH, 1999
  1. The art and science of protective relays
         C R Mason
         Wiley Eastern
  1. Switchgear Protection
         M V Deshpande
         TMH, 1993
  1. Power system protection. Volume- I , II & III edited by the Electricity Council
         Mac Donald


Course Objective: Basic understanding of Robotics, Familiarity with the control aspects of Robots, Design and control of a Robot, Concepts of Automation


-Robots and automation-classification-specifications-notation-Direct Kinematics-Co-ordinate frames-rotations-Homogeneous coordinates-The Arm equation-Kinematic analysis of a typical Robot-examples-Inverse Kinematics  problem-Tool configuration-Inverse kinematics of a typical Robot-examples-Workspace analysis and trajectory planning-Work envelope of different robots-The pick and place operation –Continuous path motion-interpolated motion-Straight line motion-Tool configuration Jacobian matrix and manipulator Jacobian-Manipulator Dynamics-Dynamic model of a robot using Lagrange’s Equation
Robot control
-The control problem-state equations-Single axis PID control-PD gravity control-Computed torque control-Variable Structure control-Impedance control
Robot Vision
-Robot applications-Characteristics-Robot cell design-Types of applications-material handling applications-Machine loading and unloading-spot welding-arc welding-spray painting
Mobile Robots and Control issues
-Industrial automation-General layout-general configuration of an automated flowline-conveyor systems-major features-types-Roller, State wheel, Belt, Chain and overhead trolley-Inspection station with feedback loops to up steam workstations-shop floor control-3 phases-order scheduling
  1. Fundamentals of Robotics-Analysis and Control
         Robert J Schilling
         Pearson Education, Asia
  1. Robotics and Image processing
         Janakiraman P A
         Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1995
  1. Automation, Production System, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
         Mikell P Grover
         Prentice-Hall India, 1992
  1. Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation
         S R Deb
         Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
  1. Modeling and Control of Robot manipulator
         Lorenzo Sciavicco & Bruno Siciliano
         The McGraw Hill Companies
  1. Robots and Manufacturing Automation
         C Roy Asfahl
         John Wiley & Sons
  1. Robots for Engineering
         Yoran Kaen
         McGraw Hill

Prerequisite: Thorough understanding of Matrix and Vector algebra


Course Objective: To give basic ideas underlying guidance laws of missiles and guidance and control aspects of launch vehicles
History of guided missile for air defence applications. Classification of missiles- fundamentals of guidance Basic results in interception and  avoidance Taxonomy of guidance laws, command and booming guidance, classical guidance laws – persuit, LOS, CLOS, BR, Proportional Navigation and its Variants like TPN, PPN, BPN and IPN. Modern guidance laws-guidance laws derived from optimal control. PPN with non–maneuvering and maneuvering torgets. Comparative study of guidance laws from the point of view of time, missdistance, launch boundaries, control effort and implementation difficulties.

Basic concepts of launch vehicle guidance, Explicit and Implicit guidance, Flat Earth guidance,  Perturbation guidance, Velocity to be gained guidance concept, Delta guidance, Q guidance, Cross product steering, linear perturbation guidance, Open loop and Closed loop guidance.

  1. Tactical and strategic Missile guidance (2nd edition)
        Paul Zarchan
        AIAA, Inc. 1994
  1. Test and Evaluation of the Tactical Missile
        Eichblatt E J
        AIAA Inc, 1989
  1. Modern Navigation, Guidance, and Control Processing
        Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N J, 1991


Course Objective: To impart ideas of various techniques of digital autopilot design for aerospace vehicles


Introduction; review of Z-transforms, Modified Z-transform, Controllability and Observability, Digital autopilots for aircrafts, missiles, launch vehicles, Classical controller design, Digital autopilot design via Pole placement and Eigen structure Assignment, Observers, PID control, Optimal control, Regulator and tracking systems, Kalman Filters, LQG / LTR, H2 / Hµ and  Robust controller design, Adaptive control, Design of Digital controller for Aircraft, Missiles, launch vehicles and  spacecrafts.

  1. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems
         Franklin G F, Powell  J D and Worknann M L
         Addison – Werley 1990
  1. The Hµ Control photolens
         Stoorvogel A
         Prentice Hall, 1992
  1. Linear Robot control
         Green M, Liniebeer D
         Prentice-Hall, 1995


Course Objective: This course aims to give the students the basic concepts of stochastic modeling of linear and non-linear dynamic systems, their practical applications, and different approaches of stochastic systems analysis.

Dynamic systems and their characteristics
-stochastic processes in dynamic systems-probability space-random variables-random processes-expectation-moments-characteristic functions-functional-canonic expansion-independent and conditional probabilities-
Random processes
-Brownian motion process-Gaussian process-Markov process-Wiener process-mean square calculus-second order process-Martingale
Stochastic integrals
-spectral and integral canonical representations- integral- differentials- stochastic calculus
General theory of stochastic systems and its applications
-methods of linear stochastic systems theory and applications-methods of general nonlinear stochastic systems theory and applications

  1. Stochastic Systems – Theory and Applications
         V S Pugachev, I N Sinitsyn {Russian Academy of Sciences}
         World Scientific Publishing, 2002
  1. Introduction to Stochastic Calculus with Applications
         Fima C Klabaner
         Imperial College Press, 2001
  1. Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Process
         Papoulis Athanasios
         2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984
  1. Applied Optimal Control & Estimation
         Frank L Lewis
         Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey , 1992
  1. Stochastic Models, Estimation, and Control
         Peter S Meybeck
         Volume 1 & 2, Academic Press, New York, 1982
  1. Stochastic Process
         Parzen E
         Holden Bay, San Francisco, 1962
  1. Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory
         Astrom K J
         Academic Press, New York, 1970

Prerequisite: First level course in control systems and probability theory